Yeppoon High school Plumbing Workshop with Ben Byrne
The plumbing workshop at Yeppoon High school was a smashing success! Ambassador Ben Byrne worked with plumbing teach Brian Fisher to introduce the students to the world of plumbing. The result? The kids made drink coolers from PVC Pipe! Paul Tydd has also reported it went extremely well and all the kids now want to become plumbers. The high school children who attended also received some packs to take home, including some Reece Shirts, Sunnies and MPAQ Sharpies and some CSQ information and giveaways.
Supplies donated by Reece, Master Plumbers Association Queensland and CSQ. MPAQ would like to give a big shout out to the organizers and especial Brian Fisher (featured in the photo with Ben) who worked hard to make it happen.
Thanks so much, everyone. Here’s to a bright future ahead in the plumbing industry in today’s emerging youth!